Posts by BureauKensington

Adventures in Groups, Part 2: A grand unified theory of weird group behaviour

Hi! We are back with another Adventures in Groups post, starting a conversation about unconscious processes in group life. Last...

Adventures in Groups, part 1: A brief history of weird group behaviour

“We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions...

Check this out: The Psychoanalytic Activist’s First 100 Days series

Check this out: The Psychoanalytic Activist’s First 100 Days series

The Psychoanalytic Activist is doing a series on the psychoanalytic implications of Trump’s first 100 days in office. All of...

New beginnings in uncertain times

It’s been 2017 for over two weeks now, so we’ve all had a chance to make our New Year’s resolutions...

What we talk about when we talk about Trump: Part 2

What we talk about when we talk about Trump: Part 2

It’s taken me a little while to collect my thoughts about the election. Like everyone else, I didn’t think that...

“Like Uber, but for…”: The basic assumptions of disruption

“Like Uber, but for…”: The basic assumptions of disruption

As the employment landscape evolves, the way in which basic assumptions play out in this increasingly fragmented environment will continue...

What we talk about when we talk about Trump

What we talk about when we talk about Trump

As anyone not living under a rock must know by now, Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for president. Depending...


Welcome readers! If you followed me here from On Memory and Desire, welcome to Applied Psychoanalysis, where I plan on posting...

On listening

On listening

“The purest form of listening is to listen without memory or desire” – Wilfred Bion As a newcomer to the...