Nov. 1-2, 2019 | Toronto, ON
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With Yiannis Gabriel, PhD, Presenter
Bureau Kensington is thrilled to host the 2019 ISPSO North American Regional Meeting with the Toronto, Vancouver, and NYC chapters of the ISPSO, and to have the opportunity to present acclaimed psychoanalyst and thinker Yiannis Gabriel.
Managing difference and otherness have emerged as major issues of our times, looming behind many discussions of identity in psychological, political and organizational contexts. The presentation will explore some of the unconscious desires and defenses (including denial) that loom behind the quest for identity and the projection of otherness at individual and group levels - both similarity (me-too) and difference (not-in-my-name) represent painful psychic compromises in times of dislocation and confusion.
November 1, 2019, 4:00-5:30 PM, followed by a reception (5:30-7:00 PM)
Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute
The Exercise of Suspicion: Studying organizations psychoanalytically
Dr. Gabriel addresses the Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute.
November 2, 2019, 9:00-5:00
Hart House, University of Toronto
Desire, denial and difference in organizations: When not everyone can be special, nor can everyone be the same
In this event, analysts, academics, senior leaders, students and community members will come together in thinking about these themes of desire, denial and difference. Dr. Gabriel will be joined by Dr. Sharon Mason to engage the audience in exploring the meanings associated with the theme for their work. The afternoon will be an opportunity to continue to discuss the theme in smaller groups, followed by a closing large group discussion.
November 3, 2019, time TBA
Optional excursion to Niagara Falls. Includes transportation, scenic drive, wine tasting, and boat tour.
Space is limited - Register now
Presenter Yiannis Gabriel is a Greek-British sociologist, best known for his contributions to the academic field of the psychoanalytic study of organizations and organisational storytelling. Gabriel earned his Ph.D. in sociology in 1981 from UC Berkeley on a dissertation titled Freud and Society. He is Emeritus Professor, Management at the University of Bath, prior to which he was a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Studies and a Professor of Organizational Theory. He continues as a Visiting Professor at the University of Lund. His interests include organizational storytelling and narratives, leadership, psychoanalysis, management learning and the culture and politics of contemporary consumption. He has used narratives as a way of studying numerous social and organizational phenomena including leader-follower relations, group dynamics and fantasies, nostalgia, insults and apologies.
Sharon Mason teaches in the business school at Brock University. She has a PhD in organizational behavior from University of Toronto and an MBA (finance) from Concordia University. Sharon is an associate professor of organizational behavior at Brock University, Ontario. Her research includes the use of psychoanalysis in researching and examining organizational dynamics including texts/artifacts, learning, leadership and groups. Embodiment is a key focus of her thinking and research, and the implications for learning, knowing and psychoanalysis. Other research interests include critical management theory, ethics and gender. Prior to entering the Academy, she worked as a systems engineer for IBM.
The following list may be helpful to you in finding accomodations in Toronto:
AirBnB (suggested boundaries: Dupont, Bathurst, Gerrard, Yonge)
Klimpton St. George Hotel (Bloor and St. George)
Courtyard Marriot (Gerrard and Yonge)
Nov. 1: $25 general admission
Nov. 2: $75 students/$160 ISPSO members/$175 general admission
ISPSO members: Register by Sept. 30 for only $145.
Continuing Education Credits
for Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Therapists, Counsellors, Social Workers, Educators, and Nurses
To purchase your CE credits, please follow the links below and click "Select".
CE for November 1st
CE for November 2nd
If you have difficulty securing your CE credits, please contact Kristin for assistance.